Film Simulation Recipes

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Choose your sensor to find the film simulation recipes that are compatible with your Fujifilm camera:

Don’t know what sensor your camera has?

X-Trans V
X-H2s, X-H2, X-T5, X-S20, X100VI

X-Trans IV
X100V, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-T3, X-T30, X-S10 & X-E4, X-T30 II

X-Trans III
X-Pro2, X100F, X-E3, X-T2, X-T20 & X-H1

X-Trans II
X100S, X100T, X-E2, X-E2S, X-T1, X-T10, X70, X20, X30, XQ1 & XQ2

X-Trans I
X-Pro1, X-E1 & X-M1

X100, XF1, X10, X-S1

X-A1, X-A2, X-A3, X-A5, X-A7,
X-A10, X-A20, XF10, X-T100 & X-T200

GFX-50S, GFX-50R, GFX100, GFX100S, GFX-50S II, GFX100 II

How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera

Have a Ricoh GR series camera? Check out Ritchie’s Ricoh Recipes!
Have a Nikon Z camera? Check out Nikon Z recipes (11 Here, 3 Here, 4 Here)!


  1. Francesco Stasi · February 23, 2023

    Hi Ritchie!

    Is there a way to use these film simulations for video as well?

    We could edit the default simulations and adjust them to what we want, I guess?
    I own an X-S10 and don’t think I can create custom movie simulations as I can with stills.


    • Ritchie Roesch · February 23, 2023

      Yes! However, not all of the settings are available in video mode, such as Grain, Clarity, and the Color Chrome Effects. They won’t look the same as the stills, but it can still look good and save you time color grading.

      For example, this video was captured on an X-T4 using the X-Trans III CineStill 800T recipe:

      And this was also with the X-T4 but using the Kodak Portra 160 recipe:

  2. Re your article on Moment ( as AI becomes more prevalent, the “Photoshop is terrible” sentiment will only get stronger.

  3. salzbergjake · April 4, 2023

    Hey! I love all the sims y’all have made over the years. I was wondering if you’d have an interest in making one for Kodak Pro Image 100. Ive been shooting a lot of it lately, and would love a digital version to put in my x100V for when I don’t feel like film.

    • Ritchie Roesch · April 4, 2023

      I will give it a try! Thanks for the suggestion!

  4. Alejandro · April 8, 2023


    I love your recipes and I’ve been trying them for some months now when I came across an issue on my XT20.

    As I try to assign the WB shift on different custom settings for each recipe, I cannot. If I have custom setting 2 (C2) with Auto WB r:2 b:-5 that will be my shift for auto WB in every recipe 🙁

    Is that a limit on the XT20 I have to deal with or is there a workaround I don’t know??

  5. FJ · April 10, 2023

    Hi! Do you have any general tips for converting IV recipes to V to get an approximate or ‘close enough’ result?

  6. Walter · June 17

    Hey Ritchie
    I have a question regarding using X Raw Studio. If I make an exposure adjustment using the top compensation dial on the camera does that specific exposure carry over to the X Raw Studio setting for any particular recipe? For example, setting the dial on the camera -2/3 stop and the chosen recipe in X Raw Studio calls for 0, should I increase exposure in the recipe to +2/3 to adjust for the called for 0 exposure comp.? Thanks for any help.

    • Ritchie Roesch · June 19

      The exposure that you made in-camera is the actual exposure of the picture. When you use the on-camera exposure compensation dial, your camera (as long as you’re not in full-manual) will make some adjustment to the aperture, shutter, and/or ISO, to increase or decrease the actual exposure. In X RAW Studio, making an exposure adjustment is essentially an increase or decrease to the ISO. So if you underexposed when making the exposure, in X RAW Studio the increase in exposure will simply be like using a higher ISO.

      Now regarding “typical exposure compensation” it should be noted that it’s not a rule, but a suggested starting point, and that each exposure should be judged individually. For example, if I suggested 0 exposure comp for a particular Recipe, the actual lighting conditions and subject might benefit from a whole different exposure, and -2/3 exposure comp (or +1 or something else) could potentially be more correct. It’s up to the photographer to figure that out. The suggested exposure compensation is simply to help point in what will most likely be the right direction for most (but not all) situations.

      I hope that all makes sense and answers your question.

      • Watler · June 19

        Yes it does answer the question and I thank you for that and the additional info you gave… All the best to you.

  7. Walter · July 16

    Hi again Ritchie
    I have recently come across the stunning work of photographer, Emil Gataullin. I don’t know if you heard of him but you should check out his work. He used to shoot a Leica M7 for B&W work but now shoots with a Leica M10 and Leica Q cameras. I love the color that he gets in his work and I was wondering if you know of a recipe or simulation that can give a similar color grade as that Leica. I’ve checked out the MGA Leica Like recipe but was wondering if you knew of another approach. Thank you for all that you are doing. Really great work and a help to so many photographers.

  8. Aleksandr · August 2

    X-S20 has a X-Trans IV, not V sensor!

    • Ritchie Roesch · August 4

      The X-S20 has an X-Trans IV sensor but an X-Trans V processor. From the reports I have received, the camera belongs in the X-Trans V category, but I have not tested it myself, so it is a bit of a grey area.

  9. Joshua · August 4

    Hey Ritchie, do you have a recommended simulation for shooting photos of people at night using flash (since I have a X-T30 ii)

  10. Walter · August 16

    Hi Ritchie, I wonder if you have an Idea as to which B&W recipe is the closest to the actual film it represents. There are a few that look really good but I would like to try one that is closest to the real film and I trust your judgement. Thank you for all of your work.

    • Ritchie Roesch · August 16

      That’s a tough question because one film—even (especially?) a B&W emulsion—can produce many different looks depending on a whole host of factors. So while one Film Simulation Recipe might be a close match to one person’s experience with a certain film, it might not be a close match to another’s. With that said, Kodak Tri-X 400 can be really close, as can Kodak T-Max P3200 (especially with the film shot and developed for ISO 800 and not pushed to 3200). I’d look at those two.

      • Walter · August 16

        Excellent. Thanks for the quick response. I totally get that coming from my past film experience.

  11. Kieran · August 22

    Hi, I like a lot of the film simulations for the X-Trans2 however my x100s doesn’t have the classic chrome. Is there a way to still achieve this without the classic chrome? Thanks.

  12. Walter · October 2

    Hey Ritchie, do you have any plans to make a recipe simulating Kodak Ektacolor Pro 160 for the X-Trans V sensors?

    • Ritchie Roesch · October 2

      I didn’t have that on the list. Very interesting idea. I wasn’t real familiar with Ektacolor Pro 160, so I researched it a bit. Basically, it was a short-lived precursor to Kodak Portra 160 (and successor to Vericolor III VPS), and wasn’t sold in North America. From what I’ve found, there are a lot of similarities between Kodak Ektacolor Pro 160 and Kodak Portra 160NC, and the Portra version may have only been tweaked slightly. There was also an Ektacolor Pro Gold 160, which was similar to Portra 160VC, but warmer. Ektacolor Pro 100T was renamed Portra 100T, and was the exact same emulsion. So Ektacolor Pro was very similar to the first iteration of Portra 160.

      These Recipes aren’t quite right, but worth a look:

      I appreciate the input!

      • Walter · October 3

        Ritchie, thank you for that great info. I did find a Kodak Ektacolor Pro 160 recipe by Piotr Skrzypek on his site. I’ll try that as well as the ones you suggest. His recipe is made for an X-Trans IV sensor so I wonder if you have any idea as to whether it would be different on an X-Trans V sensor and/or how to make any compensation if needed. Thank you again for looking into this.

      • Ritchie Roesch · October 4

        I’m not familiar with his recipe, but this might help:

  13. Walter · November 7

    Hello again Ritchie
    Any chance of a Kodak Plus-X Pan film recipe for either X Trans IV or V?

  14. Walter · November 11

    Hey Ritchie,
    OK, this is going to sound very amateurish but I’m blank on this. If I have all 7 custom settings set up for a custom recipe how do I shoot without one of those setting and, say, just shoot Astia or Acros with no changes and still keep the custom recipes?… no laughing allowed.

    • Ritchie Roesch · November 13

      So the factory default film sims are just everything set to 0, Off or Auto. So you can go through the IQ Menu and set everything to that (0, Off, or Auto), or you can dedicate one of the C1-C7 to be that. If you decide on using one of the Custom Presets slots, there is an option to Reset it (or “Erase” it, depending on the model), and it can be done quickly and easily. Then, just change the film sim to whichever one you want it to be.

  15. Walter · November 17

    I recently saw a film clip from the 1950’s, probably 8mm film color film or maybe 16mm. Very high contrast and high saturation. Any idea as to how I can get that look or even close to it. I thought it was interesting. Thank you.

    • Ritchie Roesch · November 17

      Is there any way that you can share it with me?

      I was looking on YouTube at some 1950’s 8mm film, and they certainly had some similarities to the Kodachrome II, Vintage Kodachrome, and Kodacolor Recipes (depending on the exact video). Definitely some contrast, but none were high saturation. Makes me think that the film you saw wasn’t a Kodak product, or if it was I’m not sure which one. So if you have more information, please feel free to share it, I’d love to know. Much appreciated!

  16. That tea lady · November 20

    I don’t know if you will read this but I just bought a Fujifilm X-S10 kit with a XC 15-45mm f/3,5-5,6 OIS PZ lens that will arrive tomorrow.

    I wanted to start photography for years because I genuinely enjoyed it but didn’t like how it turned on my phone. I also bought real disposable film cameras but it’s expensive on the long run. With my work I was introduced to real cameras and lightroom and I had been obsessed since. I was already taking pictures of atmospheres or things I noticed that day like a diary.

    My friends did a very good job providing me with advice when it came to choosing gear and I had to tell them that sadly I hadn’t listened to them.

    It might prove later to be a mistake, but I follow artists that use fujifilm (with better gear) and that brand was always my first choice when it came to films.
    I was told it was useless because of lightroom, and I know it’s right, but I really liked the fact I they could imitate film and the vibe, since the beginning.

    I wanted to say thank you, I subscribed to your app and it really helped me to grasp what I will be able to experience with the settings and differents films.
    The ressources here are so diverse, I don’t even have the thing in my hands and yet I wanted to read so much things, and this page was everything I was looking for. It’s also interesting to learn about all the other products. It’s really awesome you took the time for the website and app!

    Best wishes

  17. Walter · January 10

    Hi Ritchie
    Happy New Year to you.
    Another question for you. I know it’s probably not available but recently looked at the work of Sarah Moon. I know she used different cameras at different times and mostly shot polaroid film. Some of her color work wasn’t done with polaroid but has a soft color and grainy as hell. I’m not sure if there is a recipe for her look but can you suggest a starting point that could eventually give that look with some post processing work. A good starting point would help. Thank you for any suggestions.

    • Ritchie Roesch · January 10

      I don’t know how possible it might be. Probably Pro Neg Std or Eterna as a starting point. Maybe use a double-exposure technique where the second image is of something “blank” (maybe out of focus card stock)? That would give it a softer, faded look. Utilize high-ISO to make it grainer. If you have some specific pictures you want to mimic the aesthetic of, I might be able to offer a little more advice.

  18. Dimitar Ivanov · January 15

    Hi, I’ve used two different white balances and movie simulations on two xt3 cameras in the same environment for my video. Is there any instant fix/recipe on Davinci, which can magically apply white balance/simulation between the clips.

    • Ritchie Roesch · January 15

      I have no idea. I have never used Davinci, only Final Cut Pro. Within FCP, there is a setting to match the colors of clips, but it is only mediocre at doing so. I imagine that Divinci must have something similar, and hopefully it works better than FCP at this. Sorry that I’m not more helpful.

  19. Mark Harbin · March 29

    Good morning. What are the best film recipes for cloudy days outside? And what recipes are perfect for indoor natural and tungsten light bulb lights?

  20. Mark Harbin · March 29

    Good morning. What are the best film recipes for cloudy days outside? And what recipes are perfect for indoor natural and tungsten light bulb lights?
    I have a fujifilm GFX 50s ii camera.

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