Fujifilm Grain Settings


Blue Winter Sky – South Weber, UT – Fujifilm X-T30

Many of my film simulation recipes call for faux grain, in order to achieve a more analog aesthetic. The picture above was captured using my Kodachrome 64 recipe, which requires Grain set to Weak. Fujifilm cameras with X-Trans III or IV sensors have a faux grain option, which can be set to Off, Weak or Strong (the X-Pro3 has additional grain options). The Acros film simulation has built-in grain that increases as the ISO increases. I have often said that X-Trans digital noise is also grain-like in appearance. But all of this is hard to see, especially when viewed at web sizes, so it can be tough to know exactly what the different settings are doing to pictures. I thought it would be helpful to take a closer look at the grain on Fujifilm cameras. For this post I used a Fujifilm X-T30.

Let’s take a closer look at Blue Winter Sky, the picture at the top of this article. Here are some crops:


ISO 640, Grain Off.


Grain Weak


Grain Strong

You likely can see the grain in the bottom crop, which has Grain set to Strong, but the middle one with Grain set to Weak is a little more difficult to notice. It’s subtly there, but the difference between Grain Off and Grain Weak isn’t huge by any stretch, and you have to look very closely to find it. Even Grain Strong isn’t particularly obvious, but it’s certainly noticeable upon close inspection.

Let’s look at some massive crops from another picture:


ISO 640, Grain Off


Grain Weak


Grain Strong

This example is a little bit deeper of a crop, and so it’s also a little easier to spot the differences in grain. Still, there’s not a huge distinction between Grain set to Off and Grain set to Weak. Grain set to Strong stands out from the others, but again it’s still not especially obvious.

Can you spot the difference between Grain set to Weak and Grain set to Strong in the two images below?


ISO 400, Grain Weak


ISO 400, Grain Strong


ISO 400, Grain Weak


ISO 400, Grain Strong

I think if you study the crops above long enough, you can see that the bottom one has a stronger grain, but just barely. It’s not obvious whatsoever, even when viewed this closely.

Can you spot the differences between the two crops below?



The top image is ISO 400 with Grain set to Weak. The bottom is ISO 6400 with grain set to Strong. You could probably tell that the top image is slightly cleaner and crisper, but it is very subtle, and not something you’d ever notice without closely comparing crops side-by-side.

Now let’s take a look at some Acros crops. Can you spot the differences?


ISO 400, Grain Weak


ISO 400, Grain Strong


ISO 6400, Grain Strong


ISO 6400, Grain Weak

There’s not much to notice, but there’s (once again) a subtle difference between ISO 400 with Grain set to Weak and ISO 6400 with Grain set to Strong, and you’re not likely to spot it without closely comparing crops. In real life, nobody does that.

The conclusion is that the faux grain options on Fujifilm cameras aren’t especially obvious without a close study. Grain Strong stands out much more than Grain Weak, but neither are particularly noticeable without a close inspection. Even the difference between ISO 400 and ISO 6400 (with or without grain) isn’t all that big, especially if you aren’t viewing the pictures large. The more you crop, the more you zoom into the image, or the larger you print, the more you’ll notice the differences. For internet viewing, you’ll have a tough time even noticing. It’s perfectly fine to set Grain to Off if you don’t like it. I personally enjoy seeing the grain, even if it’s not immediately apparent, because I first learned photography in the film era and I love grain. I look forward to someday trying out the new grain options that Fujifilm has included on the X-Pro3, and I hope it’s added to the X-T30 via a firmware update, but in the meantime I’m happy to use the faux grain that’s currently available to me in my camera.


  1. Nicolas · December 6, 2019

    thanks for elaborating 🙂

  2. Thomas Schwab · December 6, 2019

    Hallo Ritchie, vielen Dank für diesen Artikel! So werde ich von Fall zu Fall entscheiden…. Abzüge/Prints mit Körnung. Freue mich auf die neuen Einstellungen der X-Pro3!
    LG Thomas

    • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

      Bitte schön! Ich hoffe, dass dir die neue Kamera gefällt!

      • Nicolas · December 6, 2019

        Don’t tell me you speak German… 🤓

      • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

        No, but Google does. It’s truly amazing that language isn’t a barrier anymore. We can focus more on our commonalities and focus less on what divides us. It’s a great moment in time to be alive!

      • Nicolas · December 6, 2019

        Couldn’t agree more!
        But your reply sounded so impeccable that I thought Google would’ve failed on that one… 😀

      • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

        I’m always afraid that Google will be way wrong someday and translate something I say into something completely offensive. Hopefully that never happens.

      • Nicolas · December 6, 2019

        Google is Russian roulette… 😂

        Seriously I use Deepl all the time. The most reliable translator existing. Even poetry is being flawlessly translated!


      • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

        I will give that a try, thanks for the tip!

  3. Khürt Williams · December 6, 2019

    Thanks for this Ritchie. I had suspected the grain options from the Film Presets was too subtle for me to notice. I use your Film Simulation Presets when I need an image for when I know that I am happy with the SOOC JPEGs but typically I post-process the RAF files.

    I compared the grain of SOOC JPEGs images produced in-camera by your Kodachrome 64 film simulation recipe on my Fujifilm X-T2 with images created in post-processing by applying the Classic K14 Kodachrome 64 Adobe Lightroom preset. The grain is more noticeable in the Classic K14 Kodachrome 64 preset. I usually remove the grain.

    • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

      That’s really interesting. Kodachrome was known for its fine grain. It’s hard to spot it sometimes, even when projected. Thank you for the input!

  4. Ricardo Richon Guzman · December 6, 2019

    I looooove grain, I mean I LOOOOOVE GRAIN

    with C1 almost every edit I do has it, and adds lots more than what’s on the SOOC version JPEG

    I usually have bigger and heavier grain than JPGs I think it adds dimension…. or size and space to the pictures… (as an artistic expression … like for portraits , but not on landscapes)

    • Khürt Williams · December 6, 2019

      Ricard, I guess you love grain! 😃

      Hopefully, Fuji will add the grain feature from the Fujifilm X-Pro 3 to the Fujifilm X-T30 via firmware update so Ritchie can try it and show us the results.

    • Ritchie Roesch · December 6, 2019

      I’m looking forward to trying the new grain options that Fujifilm included on the X-Pro3 (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will be added to the X-T30 in the spring). I would love to have more control over it. The best faux grain in my opinion is on Exposure software. They put a lot of effort into getting it right. Thank you for the input!

  5. chan.kit.sg · December 16, 2019

    Great post! Thanks for the information

  6. Pingback: My Fujifilm X-T1 (X-Trans II) Kodacolor Film Simulation Recipe | Fuji X Weekly
  7. Pingback: Kodak Portra 400 recipe – CESTBIBI PHOTOGRAPHY
  8. Antonio · 4 Days Ago

    Hi Ritchie! In your post you said that “it’s perfectly fine to set Grain to Off if you don’t like it.”
    But do you think that setting Grain to Off in the recipes that you shared here would affect the overall mood of each recipe? Personally I like to see some grain in my pictures but Grain set to Strong/Large is too much for me. I like to have the Grain set to Weak/Small. It’s subtle but you can notice the difference when you watch your pictures on a computer or even on an IPad. In that case, do you think setting Grain to Weak/Small would affect the recipe’s mood less (specially when the recipe propose Strong/Large)?
    Many thanks!

    • Ritchie Roesch · 4 Days Ago

      I like grain, but some people who’ve only shot digital and not film don’t like it. Also, some people like some grain but not pronounced grain. I think it’s perfectly ok to make it how you personally like it. Personally, I’d like to see a stronger and larger grain option come from Fujifilm in the future, as sometime Strong/Large isn’t enough for me.

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