Fujifilm X-Trans IV Recipes

These film simulation recipes are for Fujifilm X-Trans IV sensor cameras. X-Trans IV can be divided into two categories: X-T3 & X-T30, and X100V, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-S10, X-E4 & X-T30 II. The X-T3 & X-T30 cameras don’t have all of the JPEG options that later X-Trans IV models have. All of the X-T3 & X-T30 (as well as X-Trans III) film simulation recipes are compatible with the X100V, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-S10, X-E4 & X-T30 II; however, Grain, Toning (for B&W), and Double-Exposure (for those recipes that call for it) are different, so you’ll have to decide for yourself which equivalent settings should be used on your camera.

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X-Trans IV Recipes for X100V, X-Pro3, X-T4, X-S10, X-E4 & X-T30 II:

X-Trans IV Recipes for X-T3 & X-T30:

Note: Kodak Tri-X 400, Kodak T-Max 400, and Verano Tostado recipes are compatible with all X-Trans III & IV cameras, just follow the directions explained in those recipes.

X-Trans III film simulation recipes are compatible with X-Trans IV cameras.

Have a Ricoh GR series camera? Check out Ritchie’s Ricoh Recipes!


  1. Jen03 · July 19

    Hi, it’s weird because it’s the first time i post something in a blog haha i’m used to comments on youtube, instagram, etc. But i HAD to thank you for your work, i can’t imagine how passionate and dedicated you have to be to host a website, spend hours tweaking simulations and share your work, and even though i haven’t started to test those simulations, a big THANK YOU is necessary.

    I own a XT4, and plan to use bracketing to shoot a raw + 3 other custom profiles (as i don’t know yet which ones i will like). My understanding is that the XT4 allows to only have 7 custom profiles loaded, so i’ll have to try the 7 before resetting them and add another 7 profiles, manually ? Well that’s some work, but still less than what you did !

    There are some creator’s work that i really like, and even though i know they use their own presets, I will try to find recipes that are close to them (but i think most of these just play with color grading)

    Here are some examples :

    Again, thanks a lot !

  2. Walter · July 29

    Hi Ritchie, I recently came across an old photo done by Mark Seliger, a celebrity photographer and the image had the full frame of the film he used so I could tell that It was RDP, which if I remember correctly was the very first version of Provia film . Which of your Provia recipes would come close to the first version of that RDP? I know they updated the film to RDP ll and RDP lll but I was wondering if you had that first version recipe.

  3. Michael · August 3

    Hey Ritchie,

    You listed the X-S20 as a X-Trans V camera, while I thought it uses the X-Trans IV: https://fujifilm-x.com/en-us/products/cameras/x-s20/specifications/

    Which recipes should I be using for the X-S20?

    Best regards from germany,

    • Ritchie Roesch · August 4

      The X-S20 has an X-Trans IV sensor but an X-Trans V processor. From the reports I have received, the camera belongs in the X-Trans V category, but I have not tested it myself, so it is a bit of a grey area. I would use X-Trans V Recipes; with a small adjustment to Color Chrome FX Blue, many of the X-Trans IV Recipes can be used, too.


      • Julian · February 15

        The X-S20 combines the X-Trans CMOS 4 sensor with the X-Processor 5. The recipes are related to the camera sensor, so I would use X-Trans IV recipes.

      • Ritchie Roesch · February 15

        From the reports I have received by those with the X-S20 (I don’t own an X-S20 personally), it renders blue like the other X-Trans V cameras. Besides that, it has the new X-Trans V JPEG options. Even though it has an X-Trans IV sensor, I think because of the new processor, it is more like X-Trans V than X-Trans IV in rendering. For this reason, I recommend X-Trans V Recipes; however, aside from blue on some film sims, the rendering is pretty similar between the fourth and fifth generation cameras, so it’s not a big deal which group one uses. I hope that all makes sense.

  4. Marma Medikal · October 20

    Hi, is there an easy way for downloading all recipes and implementing them during post production in Capture One? Thank you.

    • Ritchie Roesch · October 20

      There’s not a way. Sorry.

      Film Simulation Recipes are meant to be used in-camera for JPEGs that don’t require editing. If you use these Recipes and shoot RAW, Capture One will apply its version of its interpretation of some (but not all) of the JPEG settings to the RAW file. It can get you “halfway there” but will require some amount of manipulation to get a finished picture, and it won’t be 100% identical to the camera-made JPEG. My advice is to embrace whichever approach that you are going to use. If it’s Film Simulation Recipes, that means relying an JPEGs and editing less if at all (I don’t edit, other than cropping/straightening sometimes). If it’s RAW, then shoot RAW and edit the pictures as you want them to look. These two approaches are more-or-less opposites of each other. But, like I said, if you wish to use both, it could still save you a little time by getting you part way to a finished picture. Also, some people RAW-edit for some scenarios and shoot JPEGs and Recipes for other scenarios. There’s no right or wrong approach, just what works for you.

      • Autumn · October 27

        Not to be rude, but you’re incorrect there actually is a way (It’s just a massive pain).

        Firstly, load the recipe into your camera so you can see what you’re doing. Second, shoot your shots, but in raw not jpeg. When you get home, instead of importing directly into capture one, copy the raf’s to a folder. Install Fujifilm’s Raw X Studio.

        Raw X Studio uses the camera’s internal processor to render out raw files. It does this in the same way the camera does from the playback menu. This is nice since you can rerun different recipes on your raw files and import new ones to your camera. However starting this generation of x-trans with the x-pro 3 and xt-4 the camera’s can render tif’s internally. I can’t tell which models support this but the pro 3 and xt-4 definitely do. Render out all your Raf’s to 16 bit tif using Raw X Studio. This is painfully slow, and cannot be done in bulk.

        Once that is done you can import these files into Capture One. They appear to retain full raw detail but have the recipe applied to them. 16 bit tif’s are huge so use capture one to render them into something else. 16 bit tif’s with zip compression are roughly 25% smaller but still three times a raf. Sacrifice a bit of quality and go for 8 bit zip compressed raw for longer term storage, its roughly the same size as a compressed raf.

        All this effort leaves you with a raw equivalent file that has been ran through a film recipe in camera and is now ready for post-processing in capture one. Needless to say this is a massive ordeal, especially given Raw X studio has no bulk file handling so all images have to be done one at a time and take at least 20 seconds. It’s a huge pain and i can’t see anyone doing this long term. Also it does as you mention kind of go against the ethos of recipes.

        But hey, it is technically possible, which is the best kind of possible.

      • Barry Studd · October 27

        Rather just shoot SOOC jpeg, which i’ve done for year’s. Just use lightroom for little tweaks if needed. SOOC is more authentic, even more so with all the AI crap going on.

      • Ritchie Roesch · October 27

        I got a bit of PTSD reading this, lol! 🀣

        I used to shoot with a Sigma Merrill camera, and that process sounds somewhat similar to what you just described. You had to use Sigma’s (pretty awful) RAW software to convert to TIFF, then edit the TIFF in the software(s) of choice. Such a pain. I don’t wish that on anyone.

        But, you know, if something works for someone, then that’s what they should do (and what others say and do shouldn’t matter very much). I appreciate your input on the process, and detailed description. Thanks!

  5. Holger · December 28

    Hey Ritchie,

    first of all thank you for your great work!

    I see that you use a certain WB in most recipes. I.e. 3200K, -1 Red & +4 Blue.
    Wouldn’t it be more flexible to use WB Auto, -1 Red & +4 Blue?
    Because the 3200K would produce different results in diefferent light situations?

    Thanks again an I hope you have a great day

    • Ritchie Roesch · December 28

      That’s a good question. While Auto WB does make a Recipe much more versatile, it makes it behave very divergent from film. Film is (most often) either Daylight or Tungsten balanced (of course, there are a huge number of Color Correction Filters that one can use with film to essentially work like a very complicated AWB). If, for example, you were to use AWB instead of (say) 3200K, you’d get a very different result except under a very specific light scenario. I hope that makes sense.

      This article might help:


  6. Walter · 1 Day Ago

    Hey Ritchie
    I think I asked once before and you sounded enthused or interested on some level but do you think there can be a recipe for Kodak Plus-X Pan film some time. Just checking.

    Thank you for the great work you are doing. That new Nostalgic Americana recipe looks really good and the shots you took with it are excellent.

    • Ritchie Roesch · 1 Day Ago

      I have it on my list, but I haven’t tried it yet. I appreciate all of your kindness!

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